Friday, March 2, 2012


Years ago some brave Filipino women simply declared to their warring menfolk and the government of the day, “We are no longer prepared to be bombed.” They bravely held their resolve until peace zones were negotiated, and the women themselves ensured that the 'p zones' were upheld.

Iran is threatening to obliterate Israel. In return Israel is planning to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran, maybe as early as April. As if either of these actions will make their world a safer place. As the Dalai Lama stated so eloquently in 2011, “The shift in consciousness the world needs will happen when Western women step into their power.”

So when are we Western women going to be as strong as those Filipino women?

All the great wisdom traditions say we have to find peace within first. To be peaceful. Thankfully I have found that peace. So much so that I find that I have had ENOUGH of war, and Indigenous elders tell me the Planet has too. It's time for a change.

So let's focus on peace, think peace, pray peace, be a conduit for peace, send out thoughts of love and gratitude for peace, resonate to forgiveness on a global scale, imagine a ginormous angel of peace descending into the Middle East. Whatever. Just do it. Have some fun with it.

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