Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Healing Power of Indigenous Art

What a long weekend of Indigenous art! While I haven't seen the new Indigenous galleries in Canberra, I did dive wholeheartedly into art + soul at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

One of the joys of living at Elizabeth Bay, albeit temporarily, is being able to walk to the Art Gallery in fifteen minutes and enjoy Sydney Harbour on the way, so I literally celebrated Aboriginal art and culture. There were artists and performers from all over the country and my biggest challenge was deciding which venue to attend. And it was all free.

Hetti Perkins, the curator of Indigenous art, is to be congratulated. What joy, what energy reverberated around the complex. It was also a privilege to attend a preview of ABC's new three part documentary series art + soul which goes to air in Australia on Thursday October 7th at 8.30pm. This was introduced by producer Bridget Ikin of Hibiscus Films and Warwick Thornton of Samson & Delilah fame. He is the director and cinematographer and Hetti Perkins the writer and presenter.

The DVD and book of the series are both on my immediate wish list. Awesome storytelling. Great documentary making. As a filmmaker I am in awe of

One of the things I value about Indigenous art is its mystical ability to transport me to country and the magic it has brought into my life. The screenplay Liquid Assets encapsulates this beautifully, if I do say so myself, as does the my co-producer Suzanne Thompton's prize winning art, which will be used in the film.

So I was absolutely delighted to hear Ngathi Gulumbu Yunupingu, an internationally recognised artist and elder, speak so powerfully of the healing power of Indigenous art. “When you look at it you are healed.” Wow!

This is my wish for Liquid Assets. When you look at it you are not only entertained, you are healed. I can feel the film unfolding as I write.

And yes, I did “eat clouds” each day, and miraculously the showers held off just when I wanted to walk over and again when I walked home. An added source of amusement, an added bonus.

1 comment:

Molly Waugh said...

Hi Barbara
Thanks for sharing. So glad that you enjoyed the weekend. (And are enjoying living so close by, at least for now!)
Cheers, Molly (Art Gallery of New South Wales)